We are FREE to be FRUITFUL (not frustrated)

Join us as we dive into Romans Chapter 7, and uncover the intricate balance between law and grace in the Christian walk. While there are challenges in living a life of faith beyond the confines of legalism, when we explore the true meaning of Christian freedom we also discover that embracing grace can lead to spiritual peace and growth. The good news in Romans 7:1-6? God's grace has the power to transform our nature and empower us to bear fruit in the world.

Daily Devotions

Day 1: Understanding Freedom in Christ

Scripture Reading: Romans 7:1-3

Reflection: Today, we learn that being a follower of Jesus sets us free from having to follow a bunch of strict rules to be close to God. Just like when someone passes away, they aren't held by laws anymore. When we trust in Jesus, it's like our old selves that were all about following rules have gone, and we're free to live a new life in Him.

Reflection Questions:

  1. What are some rules that you find hard to follow?
  2. How does it feel to know that Jesus offers freedom from trying to be perfect all the time?

Additional Scripture: Galatians 2:19-20

Day 2: The Purpose of the Law

Scripture Reading: Romans 7:4

Reflection: Think of a rule or law that you understand the reason for. Like wearing a seatbelt to keep you safe in a car. Today, we talked about how God's laws aren't just rules to follow but they're there to help us live good lives. When we follow Jesus, we follow these rules not because we have to, but because we want to live in a way that shows we love Him.

Reflection Questions:

  1. Can you think of a time when following a rule kept you safe?