Being ineffective isn’t an option

The Big Idea: Keeping in step with the Spirit requires not skipping steps along the way.

All of us have found ourselves whispering a prayer to God at some point begging Him to help us make our lives count. We've all felt the sting of hot tears as we've replayed the events of the past day, or week, or years. The temptation to run ahead of God's plan is so real in those moments, and yet, as we look at the toxin of ineffectiveness, we find a Father who wants us to be effective even more than we do. Not only that, but He's got a way for us to get there, too.

Main Points:

  1. Effectiveness comes from the Father’s heart
  2. Effectiveness comes from the Spirit’s power
  3. Effectiveness comes from writing a song more than visiting a buffet

Daily Devotions

Day 1: Understanding True Effectiveness

Scripture: 2 Peter 1:8 Reflection: Sometimes we work hard at something, like a project or being kind to others, and we feel like nothing happens. This can make us feel sad or like we're not doing well. But the Bible tells us that God helps us be effective and do things that matter.


  1. Have you ever felt like you tried your best and it didn't work out? How did that make you feel?
  2. What do you think true effectiveness means to God?

Additional Scripture: Colossians 3:23 - “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.”

Day 2: The Holy Spirit’s Power

Scripture: Acts 1:8 Reflection: It's not just about how hard we work; it's about God's Spirit helping us. When we believe in Jesus, the Holy Spirit gives us the power to do good things and make a real difference.


  1. What are some ways the Holy Spirit helps us in our everyday lives?
  2. How can you rely more on the Holy Spirit's power instead of just your own strength?

Additional Scripture: Philippians 4:13 - “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.”

Day 3: Trusting God’s Timing

Scripture: 2 Peter 1:5-7; Galatians 5:25 Reflection: Patience is hard, especially when we want something to happen right away. The temptation is to skip the steps we find hard, like picking and choosing food at a buffet. But God tells us to keep in step with the Spirit, and that’s more like orchestrating a song. God teaches us to wait and trust His timing, just like Abraham and Sarah had to wait for their son, Isaac.