It’s time for the body to move

The Big Idea: Healthy bodies work (in the right way at the right time).

The final message in our TOXINS series will challenge you to become an active participant in your faith journey. Forget about sitting on the sidelines; it's time to embrace servant leadership, find joy in spiritual vitality, and align your actions with your God-given purpose. Discover the balance of work, rest, and service, and how starting small can lead to impactful change. Ready to step out of spectator mode and into a life filled with meaningful action? This sermon is your starting block. Let's Go!!

Main Points:

  1. The blessing is in the doing (John 13:17)
  2. Rhythms are everything (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8)

Daily Devotions

Day 1: Embracing Action

Reflection: Today, think about times you've felt more like watching from the sidelines than joining in. How does that relate to your spiritual life?


  1. Have you ever felt like you're just hearing about faith but not really doing anything about it?
  2. What are some ways you can start putting your faith into action in your daily life?

Additional Scripture:

James 1:22 - "Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says."

Day 2: The Rhythm of Work and Rest

Reflection: Consider how balance is important in your life, just like work and rest are important for spiritual health.
